Case Studies

Incredible Performance in Education

Published on: 31 July 2024

Challenges Faced By Sunil

In the heart of a new year, Sunil found himself consumed by worry. As an educator in an NGO dedicated to the upliftment of tribal communities, he felt the weight of responsibility resting heavily on his shoulders. With just three months until the secondary board exams, his students faced a daunting challenge. Failure wasn’t an option, not when their dreams and aspirations hung in the balance.

These weren’t just any students; they were pioneers in their families, the first to venture so far into formal education. The road they traveled was lined with obstacles, their backgrounds humble, yet if they crossed this hurdle they were likely to move into higher education and better their lives. In subjects like social studies and their native tongue, they held their ground, but when it came to English, Maths, and Science, they stumbled. Even their teachers harbored doubts about their chances of success.

How Sunil came up with Solution

But when hope seemed scarce, a beacon appeared on the horizon. Sunil's NGO signed up for a transformative CIP (Causing Incredible Performance) intervention, and he seized the opportunity with fervor. Tasked with setting a goal as part of the program, Sunil's mind raced with possibilities. He decided to take a goal about these children passing. As part of the CIP Framework, he had to come up with what is called a Business-as-usual performance, something that he was very sure would happen. When he authentically looked at the past performance of these children he had to say that none of them could pass.


Setting his sights high, Sunil pledged to see at least 25 of his students pass a practice test mirroring the upcoming board exam. Success required at least 25 students securing at least 35% marks. It was audacious, but he believed it was within the realm of possibility.

His CIP coach with prescheduled weekly calls helped in him taking appropriate action to ensure he reached his incredible goal.

He began with getting together a team of 5 teachers at the five government schools and embarked on a journey fueled by passion and purpose. They dissected the curriculum, identifying a manageable list of topics which when mastered would ensure success.

Weeks flew by in a blur of relentless effort of teaching, testing, providing feedback and guidance. The marks for each student in each of the three subjects were tracked. Slowly but surely, the tide began to turn. Students once resigned to failure found renewed vigor, determined to meet and exceed the minimum requirements.


As the day of reckoning approached, anticipation hung thick in the air. And when the results of board exams were announced, the collective gasp of disbelief echoed far and wide. Out of 49 students, a staggering 45 had passed, defying the odds and rewriting their destinies.

For Sunil, it was more than just a victory; it was a testament to the power of bold thoughts and actions. If he could guide these students to success against all odds, then truly, there was no limit to what he could achieve.

Years of development
& application
Start Your Incredible Performance
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