Blogs / Off-beat applications of the CIP Framework

The focus of this issue:

Off-beat applications of the CIP Framework

Someone asked for a 30+ page ‘brochure’ of Athulya and CIP. One information we wanted in the brochure was the list of organizations we had done for the CIP programs. When we collected this list, we were surprised: the list was more than 40 long!

Many of these were corporate businesses; there were also non-corporate organizations. Apart from these, the CIP Framework was also applied by individuals who participated in our ‘open programs.’

In this issue of the Newsletter, we share a few ‘off-beat’ examples from the application of the CIP Framework in noncorporate organizations and by participants of open programs.

Government Programs: We got the first opportunity to do the CIP program in a government program viz., Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana in Odisha. Noticing this impact, it was decided that CIP programs be conducted for PMUY in all the States and Union Territories of India! We have completed the program for five states (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Assam.) We are about to conduct the program in five more States (Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Gujarat.)

Political Parties: We conducted a three-day program based on outbound learning for about 30 top leadership teams of a political party. We have now proposed to conduct CIP programs for two political parties in two States and the youth wing of a party.

Youth Movements: We did two CIP programs for We The Leaders Foundation. We are currently doing the program for the first batch of participants from the Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement.

NGOs: In collaboration with Sir Dorabhji Tata Trust and Pradan, we did two programs for about 50 non-government rural development organizations in the Bundelkhand region. Participants from the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (India)’s team in Gujarat’s Dangs district (that too during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic), we are now doing the program for AKRSP(I)’s team in Bihar. We had the wonderful opportunity to do the CIP program for the Center for Micro-Finance and Livelihood, Assam and Lokmitra – an NGO in Uttar Pradesh engaged in children’s education.

Collaboration with other institutions: We did open programs with other institutions like the Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA), Vidya Dairy, NSRCEL of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad Management Association, National HRD Network and TED.

Start-ups: The first application of the CIP Framework (when the Framework was in quite a nascent stage) was in Life Circle Health Services – a social enterprise providing home-based healthcare services to senior citizens with morbidities. Starlite Nutrition was another start-up that took off by applying the CIP Framework. The founder of another start-up (DBDA Solutions) was coached to apply the Framework. Another start-up in the social enterprise space in which the founder applied the CIP Framework was Nirguna which devoted to reviving traditional handloom weaves of Odisha.

Other off-beat applications: Incredible results have been caused in several off-beat aspects like the following: undertaking Kailash Manasarovar Yatra; starting hobbies; restarting passionate hobbies; weight reduction; strengthening relationships within families; genomics; script-writing for movies; making documentaries; selling assets; dramatically increasing turnover of a tiny enterprise; starting a new career; getting a driving license in a European country; ensuring weddings in villages happen without dowry; campaigns for Swachh Bharat Mission; water-shed development; fundraising for charity; completing certificate courses; preparing an initial document for eradicating global hunger; etc.