Blogs / Causing Incredible Performance

Athulya is the institution that carries the work on Causing Incredible Performance (CIP) on Planet Earth. When Ms. Nidhi Prabha Tiwari and Prof C Balaji founded Athulya on November 13, 2020, Nidhi came up with this brilliant purpose for
Athulya: Creating Abundance: This is precisely what CIP leads to! Thanks a ton to Nidhi for this!
Athulya, in Sanskrit, means Incredible. “Athulya Performance Facilitators” can be interpreted as (a) Athulya-Performance Facilitators (facilitators of incredible performance) and (b) Athulya Performance Facilitators (incredible facilitators of performance). Both interpretations are apt.
Athulya’s identity is that of an academic institution. The objectives of Athulya in the Memorandum of Association reflect this. As an academic institution, Athulya will primarily create and disseminate knowledge on CIP and build capabilities in people to cause incredible performance. Athulya will do other activities (like research, conferences, publications and creating networks) to further these.
CIP Journey Since 2013: Highlights
The CIP Framework has been applied in more than 550 “CIP Projects.” These projects have been in organizational roles and my personal life.
CIP work has happened in a wide variety of industries/organizations. Mention some of these: manufacturing and service sectors; commercial and not-for-profit; software, pharmaceuticals, dairy, food products, non-banking financial services, wellness services, hotel etc.
The CIP Framework has been applied in Government programs in rural communities to impact the livelihoods of rural women, to start and grow tiny enterprises etc.
CIP won the “Promising HR Research Award” in the HR Showcase of the National HRD Network in 2015.
Before the COVID pandemic, we did only in-person in-house programs for organizations. During the pandemic, we started offering online and “open” programs. We continued activity-based learning even in the online programs.
We also conduct programs for individuals – CEOs, CXOs, Founders of start-ups etc.
CIP has gone pan-India. It has also gone beyond the Indian shores – to USA, UK and Germany.
The size of the team of people to facilitate and coach has expanded to six! Five more people are under training to be coaches.
The CIP Handbook has versions in Hindi, Gujarati and Kannada apart from English.

Going Forward
A lot more needs to be done towards creating abundance. Some of these that we will do in the immediate future are:
We will especially focus on causing huge societal impacts by working with governments, political parties, public systems and international agencies.
We will enable people with differential abilities to cause incredible performance.
We will train and certify more people as Facilitators and Coaches in CIP-related work.
Athulya will continue to offer CIP programs as our Flagship Program to various organizations and individuals; we will continue to offer in-house and open programs and in-person and online programs.
We will offer programs on parts of the CIP Framework to address specific requirements of organizations and individuals.
We will offer refresher programs for our alumni.
We will create resources in case studies, articles, blogs, videos and podcasts.