About the CIP Framework

Everyone can achieve incredible performance,
if the required actions are undertaken.

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You would have noticed that individuals, teams, departments, organizations and even communities have been performing at levels that are unbelievable!

Even you may have been causing incredible performance at work and outside work!  Everyone can achieve incredible performance, if the required actions are undertaken. One can even deliver incredible performance on an on-going basis.  

Prof. C. Balaji originally created the CIP Framework based on the remarkable outcomes that individuals under his guidance and coaching achieved. Over the years it has been further enriched by experiences from training and coaching people.
CIP is based on the following three premises:
  • Only results matter, ultimately 
  • Only actions produce results
  • Only individuals have goals and take actions

The framework draws from existing conceptual and theoretical underpinnings from many disciplines and sciences - Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, Physical Sciences, Management in an eclectic manner, amalgamating learnings that are necessary for an enhanced performance.

CIP has been applied across sectors like IT, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, consulting, recruitment, academia, e-marketing, dairy, public health, government, social enterprises, startups, NGOs, farmer producer organizations, and village communities.

CIP Framework focuses on
  • Measurable results against pre-set incredible goals
  • Actions
  • Individuals
CIP Framework comprises
  • Ten Action Principles
  • Actions to apply the ten Action Principles
  • Tools to use while taking these actions
Rally Others
Execute with
Ruthless Focus
Fore-view for
The Future
An Incredible Goal
A Compelling Purpose
Reset Mind
Be Present

CIP has been applied across sectors like public health, consulting, dairy, e-marketing, government, IT, manufacturing, NGOs, pharmaceuticals, recruitment, academia, social enterprises, startups, , farmer producer organizations and village communities.

Application of CIP has produced astonishing results in a variety of aspects. In the corporate sector results have been produced in areas such as cost reduction, customer delight, efficiency increase, employee development, introduction of new technology, new product development, new product introduction, new services introduction, process improvement, productivity increase, profitability/profit increase and revenue increase. 


Case Studies

The participants from Government and Public Sector Units have produced extraordinary results in the area of public health, women empowerment, clean energy and large-scale scheme management.

From the Not-for-Profit sector amazing results have been produced in the area of community health,  education, livelihoods, volunteering, fund raising, farmer producer organization and administration.

People have caused incredible performance in personal life also, on matters related to personal finance, health, fitness, career change and hobbies.

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People  from all  functions/departments namely design, facilities management, finance & accounting, HR, IT support, logistics, manufacturing, marketing, procurement/supply chain, project management, quality assurance, R&D and sales, have produced a quantum jump in their performance. 

Incredible performance has been caused by those in various levels of organizational hierarchy (CEOs, CXOs, Senior Leaders, Mid-Level Managers, Junior Managers) and non-managerial staff .

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