About the CIP Training

Emboldens people to think and
take actions to cause incredible

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CIP intervention uses action-learning and experiential learning in conjunction with one on one
coaching as a fundamental tactic to lead the participants through the learning process.

The participants declare goals that they consider unbelievable in areas that are relevant to them and their organizations
Participants learn the CIP Framework by applying it in real life setting and to cause never-before result.


Training Stands Out

The best thing about CIP is how actionable/simple it is and how it leverages two extremely effective methodologies—action learning and coaching—to get Incredible Performance. It is intended for those who are dedicated to transformational as against incremental change

Simple &

The whole framework overwhelmingly consists of actions and a set of tools necessary to take actions. It is easy to learn and put into action.

Force Multiplier for Existing Capabilities and Knowledge

In the same organizational context as before, participants achieve significantly better real-world outcomes than they would have otherwise.

Obsessive Focus on Real Life Results

The intervention enables people to take up real life goals and produce real life results in short periods.

Intense Personal Attention

The participants are given just in time inputs from the CIP Framework which embolden their thoughts and actions and take them towards bigger impact.

High ROI

Achieve significantly higher than normal & measurable results. Setting an incredible goal much higher than normal.

Proven Success

Backed by over 800 cases across diverse sectors, delivering incredible outcomes.


Foster ownership and accountability, empowering participants to commit to and achieve bigger goals.

Breakthrough Approach

Overcome constraints with the powerful blend of Action Learning and Coaching methodologies.

Cultivate Growth Mindset

Instill a mindset geared towards growth, resilience, and continuous improvement.

Accessible and Adaptable

From CXOs to grassroots, simple and adaptable for all levels, with minimal oversight needed.

Who Should Attend the Training?

The CIP training is beneficial for individuals across all levels of an organization, including executives, managers, team leaders, and frontline employees.  However, when it comes to the highest return on investment, coaching senior to mid-level managers and team leaders often yields significant benefits. As, these individuals have a direct impact on team performance and are responsible for translating organizational strategies into actionable plans and ultimately, better organizational outcomes.

Corporate Groups:

Employees responsible for important KRAs. 

Government Organizations and Public Sector Units:

People responsible for scaling up, implementation of large programs and launching of new initiatives. 

Not for Profit Organizations:

Including community/producer-based organizations: team members responsible for important KRAs. 

International Development Agencies:

Team members or partners responsible for innovation, scaling up and impact. 


Public leaders, entrepreneurs, freelancers, home makers, students- anyone with a commitment to accomplish goals that are meaningful to them in any area of life.

Each program has two Modules

Module 1:

To understand the CIP Framework

  • Conducted in-person or on-line
  • Based on experiential learning, supplemented
    with just-in-time inputs
  • Flexibly spread over 16 to 40 hours

Module 2:

To actually cause incredible performance by applying the CIP Framework 

  • Individual ‘CIP Projects’ in one important aspect
  • Individual ‘CIP Projects’ in one important aspect
  • Weekly one-on-one coaching to apply the CIP Framework

We also offer programs based on specific parts of the CIP Framework

  • Keeping Your Word: Making and Keeping Commitments
  • Obstacles to Performance: How to Overcome Them
  • Voices and Dogmas: Expanding Limiting Boundaries
  • Bringing Ruthless Focus: Planning and Executing Rolling Actions
  • Incredible Goals: What They Are and How To Set Them
  • Why Cause Incredible Performance: Dis-covering A Compelling Purpose


Case Studies

Incredible Performance in Education

In the heart of a new year, Sunil found himself consumed by worry. As an educator in an NGO dedicated to the upliftment of tribal
communities, he felt the weight of responsibility resting heavily on his shoulders. With just three months until the secondary board exams, his students faced a daunting challenge. Failure wasn't an option, not when their dreams and aspirations hung in the balance.

These weren't just any students; they were pioneers in their families, the first to venture so far into formal education.

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Incredible Performance in Sales

In the bustling world of manufacturing automated machines, where precision and innovation reign supreme, one man dared to defy expectations and rewrite the rules of success. Meet Arjun, a senior technical sales executive with a fire in his belly and a vision that knew no bounds.

The head of Sales had set a quarterly target of securing purchase orders worth Rs Eight crores in Q4.  Arjun had never obtained purchase orders of this magnitude; this target seemed absolutely impossible to Arjun.

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Start Your Incredible Performance
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